
New Fraud Threats Require New Protection

Technology is constantly evolving which sparks consumer
behavior to adjust accordingly. The newest trend in banking
and payment processing is mobile banking. This may mean greater convenience for
consumer and business account holders but it also creates a new threat in fraud
prevention. Consumers are now entering in their personal information into their
mobile phones in order to bank on-the-go. Customer information has the
potential to be stored on their phone or go unprotected due to processing
through a different platform. As Julie McNelley of the Aite Group estimated,
around 44 million consumers will be using some means of mobile banking.

So what does this mean for changing your security measures?
As mentioned in Cross-Checking Fraud Prevention for FFIEC Compliance the biggest concern is making sure
security measures are implemented along all channels. This also involves
monitoring any fraud prevention means that link online to mobile banking. Another important step
is analyzing and preparing for all risks in offering mobile services before
launching any type of platform. After surveying 24 global financial executives,
75% of them agree that mobile poses fraud risks. Mobile banking opens the
opportunity for solely mobile and cross channel fraud.

Many mobile platforms are connected to online security and
therefore, this is where many companies are starting. It is important to ensure
that your online security strategy is implemented and most importantly, complete. Many
businesses believe that ID verification will solve all the problems involving
online fraud. This is a great starting point, but not the whole story. ID authentication is the key to making sure the information is coming from the
true identity. Mobile banking also relies heavily on real time fraud prevention
in order to deliver timely access to accounts. If you need more information in
ID authentication or real-time transactions, contact EVS

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